| Pintura | Dibujo | Muralismo | Performance
| Video Arte | Fotografía | Escultura |
Martina Rodríguez Morán is the artist handling this space. She was selected in 2019, 2018 and 2017 at the BMW Painting Contest, being part of seven collective exhibitions and another four alone at Espacio B, Aspa Contemporary y Hub Gran Vía among others. She has been interviewed at the magazine “Tendencias del mercado del arte” (“Art market trends”) in 2018 at its section “latest trends”. She has been responsible for the design and execution of two mural paintings at 154Ruiz y Barra eme in Madrid. She has a University degree in Architecture
Biombo is a place around 55 square meters having two wide working spaces, shop windows, inner patio, bathroom, closet, and store. At the same time, it is a place to organize exhibition events using the shop window
- 55 m2
- Painting tools: easels, frames, boards, chairs, crystal jars, papers, clothes, spatulas and look up books.