Estudio María Leguizamo

| Sculpture| Painting| Installation|Site Specific
María Leguizamo
Since a revealing encounter in 2011, María Leguízamo has dedicated her work to the investigation of the potency of minutiae, the power of things that, due to their quality of being barely visible and fragile, have the capacity to generate definitive transformations that go unnoticed by monumental, vigilant eyes of order. Embracing the constant pursuit of what appears irrelevant, María practices exercises of erosion and signaling aimed at softening concrete and pre-established ideas about the functioning of the world. Her recent inquiries highlight a strong interest in the sculptural dimension of the voice and its capacity to erode power structures. She studied Fine Arts at the National University of Colombia (Bogotá, 2012) and in 2015 obtained a Fulbright MinCultura scholarship for Artists, which led her to move to Philadelphia supported by a scholarship from Tyler School of Arts, Temple University, to pursue an MFA in Sculpture (2017). In 2018, she was awarded the Ilya & Emilia Kabakov Fellowship in Sculpture by the Kabakov couple (Philadelphia, USA).
The studio-atelier is part of Lyra, a cultural house located in the Teusaquillo neighborhood of Bogotá. It features a ceramic atelier, screen printing, and gardens that are included as work and leisure spaces. The house hosts educational activities led by recognized artists in Bogotá and other cultural events. There is a gallery space that sells works by resident artists and others associated with Lyra's collecting project. Resident artists have access to the first floor of the house (ceramic atelier, gardens, kitchen, parking, and common areas).
The workspace is open 24 hours, 7 days a week, from 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM. However, the use of the ceramics workshop or participation in pedagogical labs and other activities must be arranged in advance with the individuals in charge of the spaces and events.