| Painting | Scilpture | Drawing | Printmaiking | Installation | Silkscreen |
Espacio camargo is a workshop dedicated to learning and teaching painting, drawing and engraving techniques, coordinated by the artist María Colombo. Many of its materials are inherited from other people who also worked hard to maintain them and pass them on to other generations. The press is around 50 years old. There is a limited catalog of easels, acrylics, brushes, engraving inks for community use. The use of the press and the rollers is only with an assistant.
The atelier is directed by María Colombo
María Colombo, graduated in Cultural Management from the National University of Avellaneda and is a technician in Scenography and costumes. She has been able to do projects and work clinics with Leila Tshopp, Andrés Labaké and Alejandra Roux.
Individual expositions:
Expressions Cultural Center, New London, CT. USA.October 2014
Expressions Cultural Center, New London, CT. USA.September 2013
Espora Contemporary Art (action). Project "Travel sketches". 2013. Tucuman, Argentina
LIVING WALL: The Tree. Intervention with recycled/recyclable materials. December 2012. Espacio Dada, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Casa Managua, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. September 2012.
CAMAC ART CENTRE.Open Studio, Marnay Sur Seine, France. November 2011
ICANA (Argentine-North American Cultural Institute) April-May 09
Thames Gallery: September-October 08 Director: Mabel Ibarra
Two levels, one for exhibitions and one of 8x4 to work.
Several materials for painting, drawing and sculpture
Printmaking focused materials
Hours and days of operation:
Days to be agreed with each artist
* atelier's keys not available to artists