| Drawing | Painting| Installation |
Mariano Goto's atelier is a space that reflects his work and image, neat and harmonious where he works daily in his art, focused on drawing, painting and sculpture. He also works on a framing project called LIGNA.
He is currently part of Panal 361 where he has his studio and also performs Art Clinic under Martin Calcagno.
In 2002 Mariano Goto entered the School of Fine Arts "Carlos Morel", where he completed his studies obtaining the title of Professor of Plastic Arts with orientation in painting and engraving. During 2006 he traveled to Spain, Italy and France where he coordinated the realization of different mural projects and painting exhibitions.
From 2012 to 2014 Mariano was part of the "Workshop for Young Artists" by the artist Alejandra Roux at the Roux Foundation. He studied photography at the FotoClub Nacional and A.F.P.R.A. From 2014 to 2015 Mariano attended an art clinic with Diego Perrotta and participated in the discussion space "Round Table" at the Mock Art Gallery.
Mariano Goto has participated in various exhibitions. In 2016, his work was selected and exhibited by the Salon Provincial Young Art Drawing of the Fine Arts Museum Emilio Pettoruti, and in 2015 by the Young Art Biennale in Konex Cultural City.
Mariano Goto has participated in several exhibitions among which stand out:
- Quid Pro Quo, Estudio Panal 361, 12/01/17.
- Salón Provincial Arte joven Dibujo, Museo Bellas Artes Emilio Pettoruti, 20/09/2016.
- Poligrafías, Estudio Panal 361, 06/06/2016.
- Bienal de arte joven, Ciudad cultural Konex, 08/09/2015.
- XVI Muestra anual Fundación Guillermo Roux, 10/12/2014.
- XV Muestra anual Fundación Guillermo Roux, 11/12/2013.
- XIV Muestra anual Fundación Guillermo Roux, 11/12/2012
A 3,10 x 5,80m space of work.
Painting and Drawing materials.
Materials for bronze work
Located in PANAL 361 - space of artists studios and exhibition space.