Planta alta

| Painting | Drawing | Installation |
| Site Specific | Sculpture|
Planta alta is located on a third level by stairs. It is a very very bright industrial type shed. In the space we share ateliers with 8 artists and each atelier has approximately between 25 and 30 square meters. Our space is semi-open, each workshop has 3 walls. In our atelier we work together painters and sculptors. The atelier available to share with the resident is exclusively Lucia's. The common areas we have are for resting and eating, we do not have tools for common use. Planta Alta is usually very quiet, each artist works at different times and days so sometimes we coincide and sometimes we don't. Various processes take place in the atelier: you can work with papier-mâché, plaster, cement, clay, textiles, some things in carpentry. The space lends itself to large-scale works (as long as they fit in the forklift!) We have a forklift to lift things.
The studio is run by Lucia Reissig
She was born in Buenos Aires in 1994. She began her career in Visual Arts in 2012 at the University of the Arts (UNA). Since 2015, she has supported and inhabited various self-managed projects, such as Proyecto NUM, Caterine Full Love and Belleza y Felicidad Fiorito. In 2016 she attended Ana Gallardo's construction clinic. In 2017 she was part of the UTDT Artists Program. In 2018 she participated in the Uncertain School in Lugar a Dudas, Colombia. In 2018 she won the Kenneth Kemble Award Youth Scholarship Award. In 2019 she participated in arteBA together with Selvanegra Galería where he won the Work Award in the UTOPIA section. In 2021, she edited the publication Sticky Floors with the Chilean publishing house Hambrehambrehambre. Together with other artists, in 2022 she created the "upstairs" workshop space in the Villa Crespo neighborhood. In 2022 she began her Master in Fine Arts at Bard University (NY) with a specialization in sculpture. She participated in several exhibitions inside and outside of Argentina, including: El trabajo invisible, solo exhibition, Selvanegra Galería, Buenos Aires (March - April 2018) ; Extraña posesión, Lugar a Dudas, Cali, Colombia (July 2018) ; Negra, MUNAR, Buenos Aires (July 2019) ; La colección escucha: Voces del acervo, Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires (November 2020) ; Adentro no hay mas que una morada, Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires (September 2021 - April 2022) ; Prize exhibition XXV Federico Jorge Klemm (November 2021) ; Las olas del deseo, Casa Nacional del Bicentenario, Buenos Aires (March - September 2022) ; Todo estaba sucio, duo show, Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno de Mendoza, Argentina (March - May2022).
The atelier has a glass table to work on more delicate things and another with easels. A comfortable office chair, a single armchair and a wooden chair. There is a kitchen scale, two fans. There are 3 shelves full of works and materials such as paint, solvents, plaster, brushes, vinyl glue, enduido, etc.
Hours and days of operation:
Monday to Friday: from 2pm
Saturdays and Sundays: all day
* atelier's keys not available to artists